Our change management solutions help organisations apply best practice processes, systems, and thinking to deliver breakthrough performance
ZENgagement helps clients experience change management excellence through solutions that improve organisational culture and business performance. We can help you improve the way your organisation manages change with established systems and processes that are proven to help realise your benefits and get a return on your investment.
Establish & Embed a Centre of Excellence
We work with you to assess the current level of organisational change maturity within your organisation. Once assesed, we consultatively develop an action plan and roadmap that will start your team on a journey towards an improved state where change capability and readiness are embeded in your culture. Allowing you to innovate, improve and deliver at increasing levels of speed and efficiency.
Setup a Change Management Office
The emergence of the change management office acknowledges the need for consistency and structure in the application of change management processes and systems. ZENgagement is passionate above applying logical, lean, integrated solutions in the setup and development of CMO's. We will work with you to develop, deploy and operate a CMO, or optimize and enhance an existing CMO.
Steering Committees
We partner with organisations who do not have program or change management as established competencies. We will assess and develop a steering committee operating model and roadmap underpinned by measurable performance criteria aligned to your change initiative. We help organisations to operate beyond the white noise of change by establishing the governance required to drive change across the organisation.
Change Management Mentoring
We are passionate about capability development. Our mentoring work sees us work closely with your change and project personnel to build capability and competency during delivery and execution. We can participate in projects to ensure standards are being adopted and improved on through deployment and adoption of improved processes, systems and practices. This type of knowledge transfer from experienced practioners increases organisational change maturity, reduces risk, and maintains momentum.